Flower Garden Resort
旅程頭四晚安排了入住Flower Garden Resort,在四個月前經resort網站訂了一間house,需於訂房後十天內,付兩晚房費作訂金。
Resort男屋主是瑞士人,女屋主是本地人。整間resort由屋主自住的大宅,三間兩層獨立房子(house),三間平房(bungalows)組成。Resort接待處有書籍供借閱,亦有一個小泳池。離Alona Beach大約有十至十五分鐘步程。
到步後,house 1已有人入住,員工安排了house 3給我們。屋內下層是小廳,廚房和洗手間(有冷熱水供應),上層有兩個睡房(有冷氣),一大一小,連接陽臺。屋子內部保養得很好,and it is very neat and clean inside。雪櫃內有礦泉水(6L, 4L),啤酒(San Miguel, San Miguel Light),汽水(Coke)供應,resort亦有洗衣服務提供,all at very reasonable price。但除了衛生紙外,其他梳洗用品需要自備。唯一自己覺得差一點點的是提供的被子只有很薄的bed sheet,不習慣,但可以問主人拿小毛毯。
途經house 2,正在進行翻新工程。從屋主口中得知,house 3才剛剛翻新了不久,待3間houses翻新完畢,便輪到bungalows。The owner maintains the resort in its good shape; both the host and staffs are very helpful.
Bluewater Panglao Beach Resort
最後三晚入住Bluewater Panglao Beach Resort,經電郵訂下deluxe room。無需付訂金,只需留下信用卡資料做guarantee。
The resort offers four types of rooms – premier deluxe, family loft, honeymoon villa, family loft villa; with two swimming pools and two restaurants. Though the resort named itself Bluewater Panglao Beach Resort, but it has no beach at all, guests can access the ocean by walking down the cliff outside restaurant.
到步確認房間時會送上welcome drink。接待處職員見我們有一個手挽袋,裡面有三瓶酒,表示resort不接受外來飲品及食物,酒需要扣押在接待處,可以外出時取回,或另加開瓶費PHP1500 (一枝酒)。由於每枝酒的價錢都是under PHP500,我們選擇了外出時飲用。It will be good if the resort can state this upon reservation.
在resort用過三次早餐,一次午餐和一次晚餐。I will say the food served is fair to average. Western breakfast comes with toast,但麵包有一種很怪的氣味,有點像打開車尾箱的氣味。Japanese breakfast comes with Miso soup, but when the soup is served, we are shocked; it is actually cream soup instead. 在lunch和dinner中嘗過的smoked fish (tuna and salmon),也和平日吃的不一樣,肉質很散,還有很重的油溢味,覺得有一點點腥。But we like the desserts, especially ‘Dirty Sundae’. For other dishes, they are really not-remarkable.
在最後一天,resort的check-out時間是12點,我們看見有大量房間空置,想問一下可否安排late check-out (for an hour or two),讓我們吃完中飯再check-out。職員回覆由於我們的房間隨後安排了客人入住,不能掉動,check-out後,我們可以放置行李在接待處。但隨即職員表示restaurant area會有婚禮進行,其他客人不能在餐廳用膳。最後只好check-out,回Alona Beach用膳再去碼頭。It will be good if the resort can enhance its flexibility a bit.
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