Art Jamming at 羿畫室

週末下午參加art jamming,事前想好了要畫的主題,未拿定主意的,畫室會有參考圖畫供借用。先描好草搞,就可以拿合適的畫筆和顏料,開始上色。三小時間,心中沒有其他雜念,只是好好地畫畫。途中導師不會干預,全是自由發揮。自覺從小就沒有繪畫天份,可以靜靜地度過一個下午,看著小小的畫作,已心滿意足。

One day, Plato asked Socrates: "What is love?"

Socrates said: "I ask you to pick a strain of the largest and most golden grain through this piece of rice paddies, but there is a rule that you can’t go back and you can pick only one."

So Plato began to do this. After long time, he came back with nothing. Socrates asked him why he came back with empty-hand?

Plato said: “when I walked in the field, I had seen a few strains with particularly big grain, but I always thought there would be a bigger and better one in front, so that I didn’t pick them up; But I found that the grain I saw is not as good as the last one, and finally I picked nothing.”

Then Socrates meaningfully said: "This is love."

Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly. 


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